When I manually run this command via SSH:
xx@xxx.com [~/public_html/xxx]# ls > ls2.out 2>&1 &
[1] 15205
Which simply returns the PID of the background process which in this case is 15205. However when I tried to do the same via PHP code:
$run = "ls > ls2.out 2>&1 &";
$return = exec($run, $output, $return_var);
echo '=====', PHP_EOL;
echo var_dump($run);
echo var_dump($return);
echo print_r($output);
echo print_r($return_var);
echo '=====', PHP_EOL;
It doesn't return the PID but just an empty string:
string(19) "ls > ls2.out 2>&1 &"
string(0) ""
How can I get the PID of the background process via PHP exec()?