Hey how can I make relationships between two table.
Users: id, email
Notification: id, user_id(id of the logged user), client_id(id of sender)
I would like make relationship between users and notifications by user_id and client_id. Then I will can get all notifications assigned to logged user, and get email of sender users.
I made that:
public function notifications_with_client() {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Models\User', 'App\Models\Notification', 'user_id', 'id', 'client_id');
But when I using query i got good notifications but with wrong email. I got email from ralationship id(from users table) == id(from notifications table)
My query
$column = 'notifications_with_client';
$value[1] = ['email', 'notifications.id', 'client_id'];
$query->with([$column => function($query) use ($value) {
Someone know what I do wrong?