dongzhang6021 2016-05-30 08:47
浏览 57

PHP生成的图表。 CSS错误。 缩放错误。 SVG多边形

I Wrote a script that uses SVG-Poligons to Display a Chart.

Situation. I have a Product that has a MAX-Price and a MIN-Price. I Collect that Info every Monday ( called cycle ).

My System calculates a baseprice and the % winning on the product and sets a own-price.


cycle | max   | min  | own
1     | 10.99 | 9.00 | 12.90
2     | 10.50 | 9.50 | 11.90
3     |  9.00 | 8.00 |  9.50

Now i draw Poligons with the Values. In order to DO that i have to scale the max-min-own Price to 100% because of poligons. Looks like this

                  / |
                 /  |
                /   |
               A    |
               |    |
               |   /D
               | /
  • A = Cycle1 Max.
  • B = Cycle2 Max.
  • C = Cycle1 Min.
  • D = Cycle2 Min.

The Grapic is diff. from the Legend... ist just a visual.

This is my Outut at the Moment enter image description here

But it has to be scaled propper like this enter image description here

$sql_table_low = "SELECT t1.run_cycle,t1.ean,,t1.price_total,t1.timestamp_update,t2.newprice FROM Horn_UPM_Product_Price_History as t1 inner join Horn_UPM_Product_Price_Change_History as t2 on t1.ean = t2.ean WHERE t1.ean = '".$artikel."' order by run_cycle,price_total";
// $content .= $sql_table_low;
$q = $readConnection->fetchAll($sql_table_low);
foreach($q as $row)
    $graph_raw[$row['run_cycle']][] = $row;
$g['maxheight-row'] = 0;
foreach($graph_raw as $row2)

    // $content .= "<br />".$row2[0]['shop'].'--'.$row2[(count($row2)-1)]['shop']."<br />";
    $graph[$row2[0]['run_cycle']] = array("low" => $row2[0]['price_total'],"low_shop" => $row2[0]['shop'],"high" => $row2[(count($row2)-1)]['price_total'],"high_shop" => $row2[(count($row2)-1)]['shop'],"timestamp" => $row2[0]['timestamp_update'],"price_set" => $row2[0]['newprice']);
        $g['row-max'] = $row2[(count($row2)-1)]['price_total'];
        $g['row-min'] = $row2[(count($row2)-1)]['price_total'];
$content .= '<br><br>';

// ------------- Settings
$g['maxwidth'] = 800;
$g['maxheight'] = 600; // = 100%
$g['scale_hight'] = 600;
$g['dotsize'] = 6;
$g['dotcolor_height'] = 'green';
$g['dotcolor_low'] = 'red';
$g['dotcolor_fix'] = 'orange';
$g['linecolor'] = 'red';
$g['scale_multi'] = 50;
$g['colwidth'] = $g['maxwidth'] / count($graph);
$g['row_pixel_ratio'] = $g['maxheight'] / ($g['row-max']-$g['row-min']+100);
    $content .= '<div style="background:white;position:relative;width:'.$g['maxwidth'].'px;height:'.$g['maxheight'].'px;display:block;">';

        $row_count = 1;
        $fixo_price_old_scale=floor(($standartfixprice * 100) / $g['row-max']);

        foreach(array_keys($graph) as $key)
            // print_r($graph);
            $height_new = $graph[$key]['high'];
            $low_new = $graph[$key]['low'];

            // print_r($q2);
            // $height_new = rand(0,100);

                $dot[1] = array(0,0);       // Oben Links   // x,y
                $dot[2] = array(100,0);     // Oben Rechts  // x,y
                $dot[3] = array(100,100);   // Unten Rechts // x,y
                $dot[4] = array(0,100);     // Unten Links  // x,y

                $dot1[1] = array(0, high_old)
                $dot1[2] = array(colwidth, high_new)
                $dot1[3] = array(colwidth, low_new)
                $dot1[4] = array(0, low_old)

                (($high_old * 100) / $g['row-max']);
                (($high_new * 100) / $g['row-max']);
                (($low_new * 100) / $g['row-max']);
                (($low_old * 100) / $g['row-max']);

                $dot[1] = array('x' => 0, 'y' => 100 - floor(($height_old * 100) / $g['row-max']));
                $dot[2] = array('x' => floor($g['colwidth']), 'y' => 100 - floor(($height_new * 100) / $g['row-max']));
                $dot[3] = array('x' => floor($g['colwidth']), 'y' => 100 - floor(($low_new * 100) / $g['row-max'])+$g['scale_multi']);
                $dot[4] = array('x' => 0, 'y' => 100 - floor(($low_old * 100) / $g['row-max'])+$g['scale_multi']);

                $sql_table_low_2 = "SELECT newprice*1.19 as fixprice FROM Horn_UPM_Product_Price_Change_History WHERE timestamp_unix < '".$graph[$key]['timestamp']."' AND ean = '".$artikel."' order by id DESC LIMIT 1";
                // $content .= $sql_table_low_2;
                $q2 = $readConnection->fetchRow($sql_table_low_2);
                    $fixo_price_new = 0;
                    $fixo_price_new_scale = 0;
                    $fixo_price_new = $q2['fixprice'];
                    $fixo_price_new_scale = 100-floor(($q2['fixprice'] * 100) / $g['row-max']);

                // $content .= 100 - floor(($height_old * 100) / $g['row-max']).'-';
                // $content .= 100 - floor(($height_new * 100) / $g['row-max']).'-';
                // $content .= 100 - floor(($low_new * 100) / $g['row-max']).'-';
                // $content .= 100 - floor(($low_old * 100) / $g['row-max']).'|||';

                // $content .= $dot[1]['y'].'-';
                // $content .= $dot[2]['y'].'-';
                // $content .= $dot[3]['y'].'-';
                // $content .= $dot[4]['y'].'|||';


                // print_r($dot);

            $content .= '
            <div style="position:absolute;left:'.floor($g['colwidth']*($key-1)).'px;width:'.floor($g['colwidth']).'px">
                <svg id="svg-'.$row_count.'" class="clip-svg" style="height:200px;">
                    <rect class="svg-bg-'.$row_count.'" width="'.floor($g['colwidth']).'" height="200" fill="#e6e6ff" />
                <svg id="svg-defs" style="height:0;">
                    <clipPath id="clip-'.$row_count.'">
                      <polygon points="'.$dot[1]['x'].' '.$dot[1]['y'].', '.$dot[2]['x'].' '.$dot[2]['y'].', '.$dot[3]['x'].' '.$dot[3]['y'].', '.$dot[4]['x'].' '.$dot[4]['y'].'" />
                      <!-- <polygon points="0 0, '.$dot[2]['x'].' 0, '.$dot[3]['x'].' '.$dot[3]['y'].', '.$dot[4]['x'].' '.$dot[4]['y'].'" /> -->
                .svg-bg-'.$row_count.' { clip-path: url(#clip-'.$row_count.'); }

                <div class="dot_high" style="z-index:1000;position:absolute;top:'.$dot[2]['y'].'px;left:'.($g['colwidth']-$g['dotsize']/1.5).'px;height:'.$g['dotsize'].'px;width:'.$g['dotsize'].'px;background:'.$g['dotcolor_height'].';display:block;"></div>
                <div class="dot_low" style="z-index:1000;position:absolute;top:'.($dot[3]['y']-$g['dotsize']/1.5).'px;left:'.($g['colwidth']-$g['dotsize']/1.5).'px;height:'.$g['dotsize'].'px;width:'.$g['dotsize'].'px;background:'.$g['dotcolor_low'].';display:block;"></div>
                <div class="dot_fix" style="z-index:1000;position:absolute;top:'.($fixo_price_new_scale-$g['dotsize']/1.5).'px;left:'.($g['colwidth']-$g['dotsize']/1.5).'px;height:'.$g['dotsize'].'px;width:'.$g['dotsize'].'px;background:'.$g['dotcolor_fix'].';display:block;"></div>



As Explained the code works. but it Scales wrong (100%)..

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  • dongmu5815 2016-05-30 11:03


    This is a lot of work and a lot of messy code so i'll sketch out an suggestion to how you can fix this:

    Svg graph

    I'm not going to read trough all your code because i cant understand half of it.
    I'll tell you how we can solve this:
    Find the number of dots in a single line We will use 5 high and 5 low for this example.

    $highArray = array(115, 117, 116, 117, 118);
    $lowArray = array(113, 114, 114, 115);

    Now i assume it has to scale since you have a:

     $g['maxheight'] = 600
     $g['maxwidth'] = 800

    For ease of use lets call them

     $maxheight = 600
     $maxwidth = 800

    I see there are; Linecolor, dotsize etc. Those speak for themselves so i'll use them like $linecolor and $dotsize

    So our svg document will be 600 units tall and 800 units wide. Then we can create the document like this:

    echo '<svg viewBox="0 ,0 '.$maxwidth.','.$maxheight.'" >';

    I hope you are following. This is svg so we don't use pixel sizes, so leave them out. Next up is adding the graphics:

    Now we need to see where these dots need to go: 1. we want them evenly distributed over the entire svg so we devide the amount of dots in a single array with the size of the svg:

    $ColumnSize = $maxwidth / $highArray + 1 ;
    800 / 5 = 160 
    in our example we will use 160 as each column size.

    So now lets create the graphics with path and circle elements:

    for($i=0; $i<$heightArray.count(); $i++) {
        echo '<circle class="circle-high" cx="'.($ColumnSize*i).'" cy="'.($maxheight - $highArray[i]).'" r="'.$dotSize.'" >';
    //Same for $lowArray
    echo '<circle class="circle-low" cx="'.($ColumnSize*n).'" cy="'.($maxheight - $lowArray[n]).'" r="'.$dotSize.'" >';


    $xPath = "M";
    for($i=0; $i<$hightArray.count(); $i++) {
        $xPath += " ".$ColumnSize*$i.",".($maxheight - $highArray[$i]);
    for ($j=$lowArray.count(); $j>0; $j--) {
        $xPath += " ".$ColumnSize*$j.",".($maxheight - $lowArray[$j-1]);
    echo '<path class="dotbackground" d="'.$xPath.'z"/>';

    And adding the colors to the css:

    .circle-low {
       fill: red;
    .circle-high {
       fill: green;
    .dotbackground {
       fill: #ccc;

    If you did all that, the output should look something like this:

    svg {
      height: 300px;
      border: 5px solid black;
    .circle-high {
      fill: red;
    .circle-low {
      fill: green;
    .dotbackground {
      fill: #aaa;
    <svg viewBox="-5 0 800 600">
      <path class="dotbackground" d="M0,375 160,364, 320,374 480,363, 640,352 640,442 480,453 320,464 160,503 0,465z" />
      <circle class="circle-high" cx="0" cy="375" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-high" cx="160" cy="363" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-high" cx="320" cy="374" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-high" cx="480" cy="363" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-high" cx="640" cy="352" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-low" cx="0" cy="465" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-low" cx="160" cy="503" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-low" cx="320" cy="464" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-low" cx="480" cy="453" r="6" />
      <circle class="circle-low" cx="640" cy="442" r="6" />

    Addition features you can consider:

    • finding the lowest value and highest value in both arrays and then scaling how they are displayed responsive in height.
    • adding a max-height: and max-width to the svg document by a class and styling it in the ccs
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?
