dpgbh20688 2016-01-07 23:45 采纳率: 0%
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使用$ _POST从Select语句设置文本框值?

I'm currently trying to create a update type of script where a admin can click a update button, the text that's already in the database is shown in the textboxes & the admin can then replace the text if it's incorrect.

I currently have a error called "Undefined index". This is when i attempt to set a value to my text boxes from my select statement.

This is my current progress,

require 'configure.php';
    $sql = "UPDATE `pet` SET `pettype` = :petType WHERE id = :id";
    $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $petType = $_POST['petType'];
    $statement->bindValue(':id', $id);
    $statement->bindValue(':petType', $petType);
    $update = $statement->execute();
$jobID = $_GET['id'];
$stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM pet WHERE petType = "' . $jobID . '"');
$result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


This is my update code, as well as my populate statement at the bottom.

<form method="post" action="">
Name:<input type="text" name="petID" value="<?php echo $_POST['petID'] ?>" /><br />
Age:<input type="text" name="petType" value="<?php echo $_POST['petType'] ?>" /><br /><br />
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="update" />

This is my Form which i'm using to edit the data.

I've tried

value="<?php echo ($pdo['petType']) ?>"
value="<?php echo $stmt['petType'] ?>"

Perhaps someone with a little more knoeledge would be able to help. Thank you

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  • duangang1991 2016-01-07 23:55
    value="<?php echo $result['petType'] ?>"

    But a problem with your code is that you're just inserting the $jobID into the query without sanitizing it. This could lead to sql injection.

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