droxy80248 2017-10-13 00:20
浏览 47


I have a symfony crud actions , in the new and edit form I want to add bootstrap class to the datetime attribute.

here is the formType :

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add('name', Field\TextType::class, array(
                        'label'     => 'w2d.product.backend.event.entityFields.name',
                        'required'  => true
                 ->add('description', Field\TextareaType::class, array(
                        'label'     => 'w2d.product.backend.event.entityFields.description',
                        'required'  => true
                 ->add('startDate', Field\DateTimeType::class, array(
                        'label'     => 'w2d.product.backend.event.entityFields.startDate',
                        'required'  => true
                 ->add('endDate', Field\DateTimeType::class, array(
                        'label'     => 'w2d.product.backend.event.entityFields.endDate',
                        'required'  => true


and here is the twig form call :

    {{ form_start(form) }}
    {{ form_errors(form) }}
    {{ form_row(form.name) }}
    {{ form_row(form.description) }}
    {{ form_row(form.startDate) }}
    {{ form_row(form.endDate) }}
<fieldset class="txtRight">
    <hr />
    {% if event.id %}
        <input type="submit" value="{{ 'w2d.core.global.update'|trans }}" />
    {% else %}
        <input type="submit" value="{{ 'w2d.core.global.add'|trans }}" />
    {% endif %}
{{ form_end(form) }}

Can some one help please , just I want the bootstrap class in the datetime field. Thanks !

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  • dongxiangshen7916 2017-10-13 08:36

    You can add the class (by adding form-options during rendering of the sub-field) in your twig template like this:

        {{ form_row(form.startDate, {'attr': {'class': 'bootstrap-class'}}) }}
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