I was wondering if i could pass a variable as an argument like in the following example:
function add_sales($checker){
$sales_payload = array(
'organization_id' => $organization_id,
'contact_id' => $contact_id,
'status' => 'Open',
'subject' => " ".str_replace($strToRemove, "", $_POST['billing_myfield12'])." - ".implode(" ",$checker),
'start_date' => date("Y-m-d"), // set start date on today
'expected_closing_date' => date("Y-m-d",strtotime(date("Y-m-d")."+ 14 days")), // set expected closing date 2 weeks from now
'chance_to_score' => '10%',
'expected_revenue' => 0, //set the expected revenue
'note' => $_POST['order_comments'],
'progress' => array(
'id'=>'salesprogress:200a53bf6d2bbbfe' //fill a valid salesprogress id to set proper sales progress
"custom_fields" => [["actief_in_duitsland"=>$value]],
// add the sales
$sales = $SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('POST','/sales/sales',json_encode($sales_payload));
This function has the variable $checker as argument.
I call this variable checker inside the function notice it in the next line:
'subject' => " ".str_replace($strToRemove, "", $_POST['billing_myfield12'])." - ".implode(" ",$checker),
And when i call the function i do it like;
$vertalingen_check = array_intersect($product_names , $vertalingen);
$vertalingen_count = count($vertalingen_check);
if($vertalingen_count >= 1){
}else {}
Will this work? Passing a variable as an arguments like this? I hear you thinking, why dont you go ahead and test it to see for yourself. The problem is i can't test this for some complicated purposes. All i need to know is if something like this is possible