dtz46697 2016-05-25 07:31
浏览 31

使用Redis DB的Php分页

I want to display list of customers with pagination.Structure of DB is as follow:

redis:> hset customerlist username userid (where username:almas userid:1)
redis:> hmset customerlog:1 userid value1 name value2 contactno value3
(where value1:1 , value2: almas sayyad, value3: 8676756556)

I have used hash set and want to continue with same datatype. I will be greatfull if any one can give me the solution for this.

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  • douliao8402 2016-05-25 13:52

    TL;DR Paginating a Hash isn't trivial - you should consider using a different data structure that is more suitable for that task, namely the Sorted Set.

    Hashes have no order and the only way to sanely iterate their fields is with HSCAN. However, scanning is unordered, can return duplicates and the number of results from each call varies - building a pagination mechanism on top of that is challenging and inefficient.

    You can keep the data, i.e. users, in a Hash, but store the field names in a Sorted Set as well. You can give each user a score to order them or just use lexicographical ordering - either way, you'll be able to paginate with the Sorted Set.

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