dongzi3805 2018-06-28 06:57
浏览 952


In my project, I want to store array data into redis.

Here I use PHP.

First, It connects to redis successfully. And then I defined a array which name should be info_g_1.

Last, I use mset function to store this arry.

Here is my php code:

$redis_obj = \common\Datasource::getRedis('instance1');//connect to redis successfully
$id = '1';
$r_goods = 'info_g_' . $id;
$r_goods = array(
 'sys_status' => 'one',
 'num_user' => 'two'


But unlucky, It works fail. Thers is no info_g_1 data in my redis.


and fetch data:

    $redis_obj->smembers('info_g_'.$id); //can get one and two.

But this way, I am not sure whether one belongs to sys_status or num_user.

Who can help me?

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  • duaeim2874 2018-06-28 07:17

    The value in variable $r_goods is overwritten by array in next line in following code:

    $r_goods = 'info_g_' . $id;
    $r_goods = array(
     'sys_status' => 'one',
     'num_user' => 'two'

    The actual value in $r_goods is:

         'sys_status' => 'one',
         'num_user' => 'two'

    Also you can set it as:

    $redis_obj->set('info_g_' . $id, 'value to store');

    Update: To add multiple key-value pairs, mset can be used as set:


    But if want to store array as values corresponding to key. Then need to json_encode array first & then set as follows:

    $redis_obj->set('key', json_encode(array('sys_status' => 'one', 'num_user' => 'two')));

    And can be retrieved as:

    $array = json_decode($redis_obj->get('key'), true);

    This reason behind this is, redis store only strings no other data type.

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