donglang5157 2017-03-10 12:16
浏览 18


Using Laravel 5.4

I have following entities in my app:

Employees, Contractors, Clients.

I have restfull routes for each like so:


I have the need to get the current entity based on the routes, so i did the following in my RouteServiceProvider:

Route::bind('employee', function ($value) {
    $employee = Employee::findOrFail($value);
    session(['activeEntity' => $employee]);
    return $employee;

Route::bind('client', function ($value) {
    $client = Client::findOrFail($value);
    session(['activeEntity' => $client]);
    return $client;

Route::bind('contractor', function ($value) {
    $contractor = Contractor::findOrFail($value);
    session(['activeEntity' => $contractor]);
    return $contractor;

This works fine for all the top-level routes. But i also have following routes:


in this case i would like the activeEntity to be Client, but currently the active entity in the session will be set to Employee

How would i prevent that from happening? And bind the correct entity to the session ?

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  • dongyinting3179 2017-03-10 16:48

    I would suggest to handle it via middleware. You may create SetActiveEntityMiddleware with handle() method like this:

    public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
        if ($request->is('employees/*')) {
            $id = $request->route()->parameter('employee');
            $employee = Employee::findOrFail($id);
            session(['activeEntity' => $employee]);
        if ($request->is('clients/*')) {
            $id = $request->route()->parameter('client');
            $client = Client::findOrFail($id);
            session(['activeEntity' => $client]);
        if ($request->is('contractors/*')) {
            $id = $request->route()->parameter('contractor');
            $contractor = Contractor::findOrFail($id);
            session(['activeEntity' => $contractor]);
        return $next($request);

    Here is Laravel Middleware Docs.

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