dpgui8229808 2014-01-17 15:29
浏览 48


I have a subquery in a very large query that has to do the following

with an array of couples of clusters

array(array(c1, c2), array(c3, c4), array(c5, c6), array(c7, c8))

where for example c1 and c2 are complementary, c3 and c4 as well ..etc . and i have a table state :

id_state cluster   successfull   failed  success_ratio   
  1        c1           4            0       100%  
  2        c2           1            9       10%   
  3        c3           0            4        0%         
  4        c4           1            1        50% 

note that which cluster is coupled with the another is determined using the array above.

and the final output that i would like to have :

   cluster  successfull success_ratio                        
       c1         4        100%    (for the first pair)
       c4         1        50%      (for the second)

is there a way to do a query that gets the success_ratio of all the data by taking only from each couple the one with the success_ratio > 50% and only if both have success_ratio < 50% then just take the first one.

Is this even achievable using only a mysql query (i can't use query result since i want it as a subquery of another large query) ?

even if you can just suggest a starting point for a way to do it that would be appreciated.

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  • dougao7801 2014-01-17 15:36

    It sounds like you just want the maximum success ratio for each pair.

    select s.grp, max(success_ratio)
    from state s join
         (select 'c1' as cluster, 1 as grp union all
          select 'c2', 1 union all
          select 'c3', 2 union all
          select 'c4', 2 union all
          select 'c5', 3 union all
          select 'c6', 3 union all
          select 'c7', 4 union all
          select 'c8', 4
         ) grps
         on s.cluster = grps.cluster
    group by s.grp;

    If you actually want the rows with the best success, then use a subquery:

    select s.*
    from (select s.grp,
          substring_index(group_concat(cluster order by success_ratio desc), ',', 1) as bestcluster
          from state s join
               (select 'c1' as cluster, 1 as grp union all
                select 'c2', 1 union all
                select 'c3', 2 union all
                select 'c4', 2 union all
                select 'c5', 3 union all
                select 'c6', 3 union all
                select 'c7', 4 union all
                select 'c8', 4
               ) grps
               on s.cluster = grps.cluster
          group by s.grp
         ) b join
         state s
         on s.cluster = b.cluster
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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