i am trying to download a zip file from server and save it. i get the following error. the project is in cakePHP
Downloading /server/biruhxml20140925.zip ...
Warning Error: ftp_get(): Transfer complete. in [(pathprefix)/app/Console/Command/Task/ImportUtilityTask.php, line 214]
//server/biruhxml20140925.zip could not be downloaded to (pathprefix)/files/downloaded_files/bild/biruhxml20140925.zip
biruhxml20140925.zip could not be downloaded as the file is not there yet.
this is the function which makes the call.
public function downloadFTPFile ($remoteFile, $localFile) {
$connection = $this->ftpConnection;
ftp_pasv($this->ftpConnection, true);
$this->out(__('Downloading %s ... ', $remoteFile));
try {
if (ftp_get($connection, $localFile, $remoteFile, FTP_BINARY)) {
$this->out(__('Saved %s', $localFile));
return true;
} else {
$this->out(__('%s could not be downloaded to %s', $remoteFile, $localFile));
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
can anyone suggest a work around to get rid of the warning other then setting debug level 0 in core.php