The problem I am struggling for a few hours is: I want to execute a script in background with PHP, so I'm using shell_exec() function, and I can't get it work. But is not a problem related with shell_exec function because I have tested the shell_exec('sleep 5') command and it worked. The command Im trying to execute is:
shell_exec('nohup /kunden/usr/local/bin/php5.4 /kunden/homepages/XX/dXXXXXXXX/htdocs/myproject/background_script.php > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!');
The script inserts one row in a MySQL database. I have tested the exact same command inside the quotes via SSH with putty and it worked perfectly, but i can't get it work from the web browser.
I don't think is important, but is a shared server with 1and1.