douqian5920 2013-04-17 10:50
浏览 44


Is it possible to call WordPress functions outside of the functions.php file of a WordPress theme in a non-standard WP-theme file?

I'm developing some sort of supplementary framework on top of WordPress that pre-organises data from the WP database so I can call them with jQuery and create a single-page experience.

I've tried to call the WP function from a post.php file (in the theme root), which is not a default file for a WP-theme. Communication to/from post.php and front-end jQuery works fine, it's just the file that can't access the WP functionality. For example:

PHP themefolder/post.php:

//function to get ALL posts, don't use to save server capacity
function fetch_all(){
    $posts = get_posts(); //<-- this is a WP function, it doesn't work

    /* however this line below makes the function return some data
        $posts = 'testing if function works';

    if( isset( $posts )){
        echo json_encode( $posts );

    echo json_encode( 'no data to return...' );

When including post.php in functions.php I get the same result: nothing. I had a look at this method, but that seems to elaborate as I'm working within a WP environment.

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  • douyuan1752 2013-04-17 11:33

    Yes it's possible. Include wp-blog-header.php and set WP_USE_THEMES to false at the start of your file.

    define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false );  
    require('wp-blog-header.php'); # adjust your path
    # write the rest of your codes here.
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