I am having a issue regarding Amazon S3 urls giving the error
Provisional headers are shown
I only seem to get this error when i am connected to the wifi over certain networks my main problem is when i am in starbucks on their WIFI i get the error but on any other WIFI i dont get the error and the video will play fine.
I am using the latest Amazon PHP SDK to provide signed urls like below.
$url = $client->getObjectUrl('videos', 'movie.mp4', '+59 minutes', array(
'ResponseContentType' => 'video/mp4'
This will generate me a signed url like this.
Below is the working version which has a content range bytes
Content-Range:bytes 9223221-9365176/9365177
Date:Wed, 27 Aug 2014 17:39:44 GMT
Last-Modified:Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:56:00 GMT
But when i am on starbucks WIFI i get the error.
Provisional headers are shown
But no bytes range 0-
I know this is vague question and someone will probably instantly down vote it but it is a genuine issue i am experiencing and i really need to get it resolved.
It means anyone watching videos on my website wont be able to view them over certain WIFI connections normally public ones all i can think is it maybe a firewall error.
Any help please or suggestions