donpvtzuux37724 2014-07-27 14:33
浏览 55


I'm trying to use ACF to output different salary amounts for a job listing board.


Select box option in ACF for salary type ("competitive", per day, per annum etc). Looks like this:

enter image description here

Then I have conditional fields. So if "P.A" is selected it shows the P.A field:

enter image description here

I have a bunch of these conditional fields for the different select box options.

My question is:

How do I add these to an if statement so that the correct field is shown based on the content that was supplied?


if job_salary was selected as "competitive" =
   echo "competitive"
 else if job_salary was selected as "p.a" =
   echo job_salary_singular
 else if job_salary was selected as "p.a range" =
   echo job_range_start " to " job_range_end

Hopefully this makes sense. This is the code I have at the moment, which just outputs the type of salary entered (e.g, competitive, P.A, Per Day Range) as text.

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  • dtvx3420 2014-07-28 03:15

    This approach should work. In my example, the main selector field where you choose if it's per annum pay, competitive, a range, etc., is called salary_type.

    Then I've got per_annum. It appearing is conditional on 'Per Annum' being selected from salary_type. And finally per_annum_range_low and per_annum_range_high, both of which are conditional on 'Per Annum Range' being selected.

    We can then test based on the salary_type selection to output the appropriate values and HTML. Alternatively, you could test for the existence of those fields. But I think this is a bit cleaner and allows you to skip adding an additional field for "Competitive".


        if (get_field('salary_type')) { //first we check if the salary_type field exists.
            $selection = get_field('salary_type'); //then we store its value as '$selection'
            if ($selection === 'comp') { //we check which selection was made by looking at its label.
                echo '<p>' . 'Competitive' . '</p>';
            } else if ($selection === 'perannum') { //ACF allows you to store a selection as both a value (in this case, 'perannum') and a label ('Per Annum', which is what the user sees.)
                echo '<p>' . get_field('per_annum') . ' per year</p>';
            } else if ($selection === 'perannumrange') {
                echo '<p>From ' . get_field('per_annum_range_low') . ' to ' . get_field('per_annum_range_high') . ' per year</p>'; //and then echo its output and any HTML markup you want.
            } else {
                echo '<p>No Salary Info Given.</p>'; //if they don't make a selection
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