I'm trying to creat a form dynamically depending on the number of rows of a table in a database. I tried this and it's nor working:
//I select the colum w_spanish from the table selected by the user
$q="SELECT w_spanish FROM ".$_GET['name'];
$r=@mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
echo '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="Correction.php">';
echo '<TABLE BORDER="1">';
//Here is where I generate dinamically a table that can be filled by user
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
echo '<TR><TD>'.$aux.'</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Sol_'.$aux.'" SIZE="20"></TD></TR>';
echo '</TABLE>';
echo '<P><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Submit" ></P></FORM>';
So when I press submit, the information is not sent to "Correction.php", and I think it's because I creating the HTML form inside php code. How could I do it right??