douweida2669 2013-03-26 13:34
浏览 19


I'm working on a piece of code that's meant to be implemented in Google Charts, however, not all values I'm looking for are being returned.

I need a couple of dates selected from my database, and I select them as follows:

$dates = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT date FROM participants WHERE subdomein='testdomain'")) or die(mysql_error());

Then I use a for-loop to echo them:

for ($i = 0; $i <= count($dates); $i++)
        echo $dates[0].' ';

In my database there are 3 (distinct) dates: 24-03-2013, 25-03-2013 and 26-03-2013, however the piece of code returns 2x 24-03-2013. What am I doing wrong here?

P.S. I also tried a while-loop but that loops infinitely or crashes my page. Besides that, I tested the query by running it in the database itself and it returns the right results, so the query works fine.

Help is much appreciated!

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  • douchi7073 2013-03-26 13:38

    You need to use mysql_fetch_row() inside a loop in itself:

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT date FROM participants WHERE subdomein='testdomain'");
    while($date = mysql_fetch_row($result))
        echo $date[0];

    You should also note that the mysql_* family of functions are not deprecated. You should avoid using them if possible, and look into alternatives such as MySQLi or PDO.

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