drgm51600 2019-07-27 03:51
浏览 66


I need to understand how to do the following : If a user has the diffPoints field changed (was 10 and became 20), then increment all upoints fields of all other users in the same group(s) as this user with the new value of diffPoints. I think I will do it via a trigger. So first, a trigger will listen to any change in the "diffPoints" field in the users table. second, I will get all users that are in the same group(s) as the specified user_id. I will do this by doing a query to get the groups in which the user is a member, and then use this result (i.e. groups) to get the other users in those groups via another query. And at last, I will update the upoints field for all these users.

  1. First Query to get the diffPoints of a user :
select diffPoints 
  1. Second query to get all groups where this user exist :
select gp1.group_id 
grpusrs as gp1
gp1.user_id = 6
  1. Third query to get the users that are in the same group
grpusrs as gp2
gp2.group_id = gp1.group_id
  1. Fourth query to update the upoints for all user_ids in query 3 :
UPDATE users increment upoints = (diffPoints in query1) WHERE users.id = (user_id from query 3)

Please advise in the following :

  • I need to know if the trigger solution is possible for this scenario.
  • Can I pass values between queries ?
  • Is there a better way to combine query 1,2,3 ?
  • What is the correct syntax for incrementing in query4 ?
  • 写回答

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  • duanchao9559 2019-07-27 07:12

    You can do this in one multi table update statement (see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/update.html)


    drop table if exists us,ug;
    create table us
    (id int ,diffpoints int);
    create table ug
    (id int, uid int);
    insert into us values
    insert into ug values
    (1,1), (2,2),(2,3),(5,5),
    (6,2), (6,6);
    update us  join
    select us.id,ug.id grp
    from us
    join ug on ug.uid = us.id
    where ug.id in
    (select ug.id 
    from us
    join ug on ug.uid = us.id and us.id = 2
    ) j on j.id = us.id
    set diffpoints = 100;

    Where the join works out all the users to be updated

    | id   | diffpoints |
    |    1 |         10 |
    |    2 |        100 |
    |    3 |        100 |
    |    4 |         40 |
    |    5 |         50 |
    |    6 |        100 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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