douhao9203 2019-06-20 07:18
浏览 302

Laravel:我备份了大项目大小,而PDO :: prepare():56个字节的发送失败,errno = 104

I have running laravel backup then many seconds later, I got errors below.

PHP Notice: PDO::prepare(): send of 56 bytes failed with errno=104 Connection reset by peer in /project_folder/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php on line 326.

And I noticed that I was back up it in the terminal, it is okay, but when I download it. It's going down, can't link or a link was rejected by an HTTP request.

How can I resolve this problem for laravel backup work?

I tried it on the terminal by running on web artisan ready, it is okay, but when I download or backup by using my function, it will be an error.

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