doumindang2416 2018-07-11 10:22
浏览 51

PHPUnit + Guzzle:测试方法之间的Cookie持久性

I am using PHPUnit and Guzzle to make API unit test. The probleme I have is that I am not able or I can't really figure out how to persiste cookie between my test methods. Or maybe am doing it all wrong ^^

The first test testGetFirst gets the data and set a session cookie on server side. The response has a Set-Cookie header with the right cookie.

The seconde test testGetSecond should return a data set if the cookie exists. Unfortunatelly it seems that Guzzle::Client doesn't store/persiste the cookie between the methods.

    use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
    use GuzzleHttp\Client;

    class MyTest extends Testcase
        public $guzzleClient;

         * @before
        function initVariables() {
            $this->guzzleClient = new Client([
                'base_uri' => '',
                'cookies'  => true

        // This call get some data and set a cookie (session cookie) on server side          
        function testGetFirst() {
            $params = [
                'query' => [
                    'param1' => 'myparam'

            $response = $this->guzzleClient->request('GET', '/', $params);
            // if I print out the response headers I get my cookie in 'Set-Cookie' header
            // I suppose the cookie has been set correctly 

            // if I print out the client conf cookie, I get the cookie too

        // This call get data to have access it need to use a cookie that has been set by testGetFirst
        // But unfortunatelly the cookie is empty while making the request
         * @depends testGetFirst
        function testGetSecond() {
            $params = [
                'query' => [
                    'param1' => 'hello'

            // if I print out the client conf cookie, cookies is empty

            $response = $this->guzzleClient->request('GET', '/second', $params);             
            // as  the request can't access to a cookie it sends an error response


I know there is CookieJar that I can use in each method and pass the Set-Cookie value in to Jar but I was hopping to avoid it.

Do you have any idea or suggestion ?

Very appreciate your help.

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  • dougua9328 2019-07-09 20:17

    Due to the @before annotation for the initVariables method, this method is executed before each test. That method is creating a fresh client before each test.

    To solve your particular situation, since you're using the @depends testGetFirst annotation, you could have the testGetFirst method return the client object. The testGetSecond method can then receive it as an argument. Check the Test Dependencies documentation for more info regarding passing arguments into dependent tests.




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