dpy83214 2019-05-21 12:23
浏览 183

尝试使用AWS IoT通过Laravel应用程序发送MQTT消息

I've developed a web application using Laravel (PHP) and now I'm trying to communicate it with a IoT device (Rasberry Pi).

The idea is: when clicking a button, the application will send a MQTT message to the IoT device to start recording the data from a sensor and store it in a SD Card. When clicking again the button, it will send another MQTT message to the IoT device so it will stop recording.

Must say I'm just starting to learn how to use the Amazon Web Services IoT platform but I've reached to communicate the raspberryPi with my computer by using one of the examples of the python SDK using python script in both devices.

So we could say, I have now a python script that listens to a topic installed in the raspberry Pi. I parse the message and then do the following actions.

I'm trying now, then, to do the same but calling it from the Laravel application. So, my code looks like this:

Button HTML code

<button type="button" id="start-button" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-lg" onclick="startRecording()"><i class="fas fa-play-circle"></i> Start recording</button>


<script src="{{ asset('js/mqttws31.min.js') }}"></script>
function startRecording(){

    var mqtt;
    var reconnectTimeout = 2000;
    var host = "xxxxxxxxx.iot.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com";
    var port = 443;

    function onConnect(){
        //Once a connection has been made, make a subscription and send a message.
        message = new Paho.MQTT.Message("Hello World");
        message.destinationName = "myDevice1";

    function MQTTconnect(){
        console.log("connecting to "+ host + " " + port);
        mqtt =  new Paho.MQTT.Client(host, port, "myDevice1");
        var options ={
            timeout : 3,
            onSuccess : onConnect,
        mqtt.connect(options); //connect

In this case I get this error:

WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxxxxxxx.iot.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com:443/mqtt' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE

Can anyone help me how to reach it?


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