doupo5178 2019-02-13 05:01
浏览 73


Hi I have two dropdown forms (but you need to start typing before the suggested word shows), the first dropdown called "Products" then the second one is called "Goods", I want that if the user chooses a Products Dropdown, the Goods Dropdown will be hidden and the Fieldrequire will also be false. Vice Versa If the user chooses a Goods Dropdown, the Products Dropdown wil be hidden and the Fieldrequire will be false. Please Help me to solve this problem. I have seen the same problem with mine, but none of them worked for me

here is the Product dropdown Code:

<?php if( (!isset($_POST["quickAddOnly"])) || "NO" == "NO"  ){  ?>
                    <tr style="">
                        <td valign=top class="tb" scope="row"> <label for="Product">Product</label> <span class="required" style="color:red" >*</span> </td>
            <td valign=top>:</td>
            <td scope="row">
                $keyrow = getProductsFilters(array_qval( $data, "product_id" , "" ),"name");
                $forid = "";
                $forid .= $keyrow["raw_name"];        
                                    <input  fieldError="Place a valid Product"    fieldRequire="yes"  type="hidden" name="product_id" id="Product"   value="<?php echo trim(array_qval( $data, "product_id" , "" ));?>"/>       
                                    <input  value="<?php echo $forid;?>" type="text" name="dropdown_product_id" autocomplete="off" style="width:297px; background-color: #f5f5f5" /><br /><small>start typing for suggestive dropdown menu of Products  Name</small>
                                    <script language="javascript">
                                           $("<?php echo $useform;?>input[name=dropdown_product_id]").each(function(){
                        $(this).dblclick( function(){
                            $(this).autocomplete( "search");
                                                                source: function( request, response ) {
                                                                                 var lddText = "";
                                            type: "POST",
                                                                                        url: "products/xml/autocompleteProducts.php",
                                                                                        dataType: "json",
                                                                                        data: {
                                                                                             val : request.term,
                                                                                             field : "name|sku",
                                                                                             lookup : "id",
                                                                                             ldd : lddText
                                                                                        success: function( data ) {
                                                                                                response( data );
                                                                minLength: 0,
                                                                select: function( event, ui ) {
                                close: function(event, ui) {
                                    if( $(this).siblings("input[name=product_id]:first").val() == "" || $(this).siblings("input[name=product_id]:first").val() == 0)
                                search: function(event, ui) {
         <?php }  ?>

and Here is the Goods Dropdown Code :

 <!-- start of goods_info -->
             <?php if( (!isset($_POST["quickAddOnly"])) || "NO" == "NO"  ){  ?>
                    <tr style="">
                        <td valign=top class="tb" scope="row"> <label for="Goods">Goods</label> <span class="required" style="color:red" >*</span> </td>
            <td valign=top>:</td>
            <td scope="row">
                $keyrow = getGoods_InfoFilters(array_qval( $data, "goods_id" , "" ),"name");
                $forid = "";
                $forid .= $keyrow["raw_goods_info_name"];        
                                    <input  fieldError="Place valid Goods"    fieldRequire="yes"  type="hidden" name="goods_id" id="Goods"   value="<?php echo trim(array_qval( $data, "goods_id" , "" ));?>"/>     
                                    <input         value="<?php echo $forid;?>" type="text" name="dropdown_goods_id" autocomplete="off" style="width:297px; background-color: #f5f5f5" /><br /><small>start typing for suggestive dropdown menu of Products  Name</small>
                                    <script language="javascript">
                                           $("<?php echo $useform;?>input[name=dropdown_goods_id]").each(function(){
                        $(this).dblclick( function(){
                            $(this).autocomplete( "search");
                                                                source: function( request, response ) {
                                                                                 var lddText = "";
                                            type: "POST",
                                                                                        url: "goods_info/xml/autocompleteGoods_Info.php",
                                                                                        dataType: "json",
                                                                                        data: {
                                                                                             val : request.term,
                                                                                             field : "name|upteam_sku",
                                                                                             lookup : "id",
                                                                                             ldd : lddText
                                                                                        success: function( data ) {
                                                                                                response( data );
                                                                minLength: 0,
                                                                select: function( event, ui ) {
                                close: function(event, ui) {
                                    if( $(this).siblings("input[name=goods_id]:first").val() == "" || $(this).siblings("input[name=goods_id]:first").val() == 0)
                                search: function(event, ui) {
         <?php }  ?>

         <!-- end of goods info --->
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