I'm have a raspbian running on a raspberry pi3, I'm making a system that requires the person to choose the hostname by typing it into a field. And to swap the hostname, I need to change two files inside the /etc/ folder.
I have already managed to make these changes by the sed command, however since I want the person to choose the hostname, I made a form for PHP and wanted to take this variable by POST and pass it on to the sed command.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css">
<form method="POST">
<input type="text" name="hostname">
<input type="submit" name="Comentar" value=" Salvar">
echo "botão foi clicado"."<br/>";
$SEU_HOSTNAME = $_POST["hostname"];
echo "hostname digitado: ".$SEU_HOSTNAME;
shell_exec ('
cd /etc/
sudo sed -i "s/nome/${SEU_HOSTNAME}/" hosts
sudo sed -i "s/nome/${SEU_HOSTNAME}/" hostname
Only {} appears in the file that is modified. Would anyone know what I could change?