dongtuo7364 2016-11-29 14:11
浏览 51


I have a site based on the PHP framework, CodeIgniter. I am facing a problem while fetching data from the database table travels_detail on a page.

The controller method:

function search_travel(){
    $departure= $this->input->post('departure');
    $destination= $this->input->post('destination'); 
    $data['var']= $this->Travel->search_travel($departure, $destination);

And the model method:

function search_travel($departure, $destination){
    $this->db->select()->from('travels_detail')->where('departure', $departure)->where('destination', $destination);
    $query= $this->db->get();
    return $query->result_array();      

The problem is, I want to execute another query and want to get some data from another table in the same page.

For instance, I'm getting data from travels_detail table of airline: arik and I want to get the image of arik airline from airlines table.

The query should be:

select image from airline where airline = '$airline'

How do I do this in CodeIgniter?

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  • doutui839638 2016-11-29 16:09

    I think you can fetch both information of airlines and its image by simply joining two table.

    The code in codeigniter could be like this:

    function search_travel($departure, $destination){
        return $this->db
                    ->select('travels_detail.airline, airlines.image')
                    ->join('airlines', 'airlines.airline = travels_detail.airline')
                    ->where('travels_detail.departure', $departure)
                    ->where('travels_detail.destination', $destination)

    Hope this will solve your problem.

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