I have a column called hotness on the posts table, and I am trying to update it using the elequent orm save() method
This is my code:
$rank = new Ranking;
$post = Post::where('id', $post_id)
->select(DB::raw("(select count(*) from votes where votes.vote = '1' and votes.post_id = posts.id) as upvotes, (select count(*) from votes where votes.vote = '0' and votes.post_id = posts.id) as downvotes, posts.created_at, posts.hotness"))
echo "Starting HOTNESS: " . $post->hotness; //CORRECT VALUE
$post->hotness = $rank->hotness($post->upvotes, $post->downvotes, strtotime($post->created_at));
echo "Updated HOTNESS: " . $post->hotness; //CORRECT VALUE
After I run this command and check my database, the post hotness is still at the starting value. Both of the echo's are printing out printing out the correct value, and no errors are being thrown. Any idea why it's not updating?