dpw5865 2016-05-30 13:38
浏览 69


I am trying to retain the entered values of the checkbox whenever the form gets submitted.

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  • doupo2241 2016-05-30 13:51

    You need to use array in checkbox as you are selecting multiple.

    1 Use name="filling[]" in input checkbox.

    2 Use $filling in foreach loop to fill data.

    PHP code

    //echo '<pre>'.print_r($_POST,true).'</pre>';
    $display_result = false;
    $form_data = [
        'filling' => [
            'value' => [],
            'error' => false,
            'err_msg' => '',
    if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) {
        $filling = isset($_POST['filling'] ) ? $_POST['filling'] : '' ;
        if( empty($filling) || count($filling) < 2 ) {
            $form_data['filling']['error'] = true;
            $form_data['filling']['err_msg'] = "Please select atleast 2 fllings";
        else {
            foreach ($filling as $value) {
                array_push($form_data['filling']['value'], $value);
                //$form_data['filling']['value'] = $filling;
                $form_data['filling']['error'] = false;

    HTML Code

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <title>Cake ordering Form</title>
                .reqd {
                    color: red;
            <form action="" method="post" id="cakeForm">
                        <label>Fillings: <span class="reqd"><?php print 
                        $form_data['filling']['error'] ? $form_data['filling']['err_msg'] : ''; ?></span></label><br />
                        <label class="checkFill"><input type="checkbox" name="filling[]" value="lemon" <?php print in_array('lemon', $form_data['filling']['value'] ) ? 'checked = "checked" ' : ''; ?>/>Lemon <br /></label>
                        <label class="checkFill"><input type="checkbox" name="filling[]" value="custard" <?php print in_array('custard', $form_data['filling']['value'] ) ? 'checked = "checked" ' : ''; ?>/>Custard <br /></label>
                        <label class="checkFill"><input type="checkbox" name="filling[]" value="fudge" <?php print in_array('fudge', $form_data['filling']['value'] ) ? 'checked = "checked" ' : ''; ?>/>Fudge <br /></label>
                        <label class="checkFill"><input type="checkbox" name="filling[]" value="mocha" <?php print in_array('mocha', $form_data['filling']['value'] ) ? 'checked = "checked" ' : ''; ?>/>Mocha <br /></label>
                        <label class="checkFill"><input type="checkbox" name="filling[]" value="raspberry" <?php print in_array('raspberry', $form_data['filling']['value'] ) ? 'checked = "checked" ' : ''; ?>/>Raspberry <br /></label>
                        <label class="checkFill"><input type="checkbox" name="filling[]" value="pineapple" <?php print in_array('pineapple', $form_data['filling']['value'] ) ? 'checked = "checked" ' : ''; ?>/>Pineapple <br /></label>
                    <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />
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