I am trying to access to a calendar created by my application via cron, and I get a calendar with the same name that the calendar the application creates, but the id is absolutely different... This is my code:
public function cronTest()
$this->g_client = new Google_Client();
$service = $this->getCronService("CalendarTest-46bde015a16.p12");
$calendar = $this->getCalendar($service);
private function getCronService($file)
$key = file_get_contents(CREDENTIALS_PATH.$file);
$cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials($this->config->item("google_service_id"), SCOPES, $key);
return new Google_Service_Calendar($this->g_client);
private function getCalendar($service)
$calendarList = $service->calendarList->listCalendarList();
echo "getCalendar<br>";
foreach ($calendarList->getItems() as $calendarListEntry)
echo $calendarListEntry->getSummary()." with id:".$calendarListEntry->getId()."<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "found";
//return $calendarListEntry->getId();
When I execute it from the command line (simulating the cron):
wget www.domain.com/prototipo/alien/cronTest
I get this:
Auto-Citas with id:h0gefmo7vjqlr4lp0r2n93vk9c@group.calendar.google.com
But, the id of calendar created with this application doesn´t match with this id...
Before this attempt with ron, I had to learn how to use the API, in this way I needed to remove sometimes the same calendar. So what I do, was remove one more time the Auto-Citas on my calendar, and call the function on my app to create a new calendar with a different name, then I made again the request of the "simulated cron" (wget www.domain.com/prototipo/alien/cronTest) and the result is the same than before: only one calendar called Auto-Citas, but nothing about the new calendar.
The functionality is to create a module anti-absenteeism, sending an email or sms to the user two hours before the appointment(cita=appointment)
For this tasks I have to function more... but they aren´t important for the case:
$events = $this->getDates($service,$calendar,$min,$max);
$this->transformDates($events, $service, ",phone");