I'm making function to replace specific img tag with PHP. But... not doing well so far.
code is below
define('IMG_REG', '/<img.*?>/i');
$str = '<p>aaa</p><img src="aaa" >
<p>iii</p><img src="aaa" >
<p>uuu</p><img src="aaa" >
<p>eee</p><img src="aaa" >
<p>ooo</p><img src="aaa" >' ;
$num = 3;
if ( preg_match_all(IMG_REG, $str, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) > $num-1 ) {
$target = $m[0][$num-1][0];
$new = $target.'!!!';
if( $target != NULL ):
$str = preg_replace( $target, $new, $str, $num);
echo $str;
I want to change first 3 "img tag" to "img tag" + "!!!".
So... ideal result is like this
<p>aaa</p><img src="aaa" >!!!
<p>iii</p><img src="aaa" >!!!
<p>uuu</p><img src="aaa" >!!!
<p>eee</p><img src="aaa" >
<p>ooo</p><img src="aaa" >
But... actual result is like
<p>aaa</p><<img src="aaa" >!!!>
<p>iii</p><<img src="aaa" >!!!>
<p>uuu</p><<img src="aaa" >!!!>
<p>eee</p><img src="aaa" >
<p>ooo</p><img src="aaa" >
There are some '<<' & '!!!>'. I can't tell why...
Be my Master! Thanks.