I haven't worked with preg_match() too terribly much but I can not figure out why searching for 1 div like this:
$div = '<div class="ipsPageHeader ipsClearfix">';
preg_match("/".$div."(.*?)<\/div>/", $html, $matches); $content=md5($matches[0]);
But when I try to search for a div different div like this:
$div = '<div class="cPost_contentWrap ipsPad">';
preg_match("/".$div."(.*?)<\/div>/", $html, $matches); $content=md5($matches[0]);
It gives me this error message:
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:\xampp\htdocs\Freelancer\citrix\steam.php on line 33
If you're curious what page I'm pulling from it's Here
Basicaly, I'm taking the top post of this page to save and compare later to see if there have been changes