As I mentioned, I will use XMLWriter for this case.
At first you have to write the standard part on the top of the function:
$xml = new XMLWriter();
Then you start a new Query and select the first table (table1). Legend: Primary Key
$query = new data_DataBaseQuery();
$sql = '
*(table1).table1pk* AS "*table1pk*", (table1).col1 AS col1, (table1)."col1" AS col1
ORDER BY "*table1pk*"
After the query succeeded, start fetching the rows, t1 = table1 shortcut
if ($query->doQuery($sql) && $query->num_rows()) {
$rows_t1 = $query->fetch_all();
foreach ($rows_t1 as $row_t1) {
$*table1pk* = $row_k['*table1pk*'];
$col1 = $row_t1['col1'];
$col2 = $row_t1['col1'];
Start writing the values in the XML file
$xml->writeAttribute('Col1', $col1);
$xml->writeAttribute('Col1', $col1);
Okay, now whe have this output:
<Table 1 Col1=".." Col2=".."/>
Now, we can re-use our function for the next iteration. We simply change the tablenames, variables and Output names.
The output will look like this:
<Table 1 Col1=".." Col2="..">
<Table 2 Col1="..."/>
For the next we start a new iteration and so on. The final output should look like in the original Post. Do not forget to close the loops and end the Elements correctly. Otherwise it can look stange. In this case your end should look like this:
$xml->endElement(); // End Table3
$xml->endElement(); // End Table2
$xml->endElement(); // End Table1
For the import we reverse the logic of the Export. For this, we use XMLReader, which is a cursor like reader for XML files. In our case a good solution, as it can distinguish between Elements and Attributes Attribute="...".
At first we start a new Reader
reader = new XMLReader();
if ($reader->open("filename.xml")) {
while($reader->read()) {
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT &&reader->name == 'Table 1') {
It selects all Entries with the elementname "Table 1"
$col1 = $reader->getAttribute('Col1');
$col1 = $reader->getAttribute('Col2');
The reader searches for the Attributes and put them into the values.
Then, you have to select the tables and columns where you want to insert the entires and let the SQL do the rest.
$SQL = "";
(table1).col1 AS col1, (table1).col2 AS col1
$SQL .= "INSERT INTO table1 (";
$SQL .= "col1, col1";
$SQL .= ") VALUES (";
$SQL .= "'".$col1."', '".$col1."'";
$SQL .= ");".PHP_EOL;
echo $SQL;
You can use the echo
to test it on your server and remove it on your live system.
Now we have inserted all selected values, so the echo
should print your query without the PHP syntax.
Now you can continue Importing the Next Element, which is Table 2 with the same function and Table 3 and so on..
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT
&&reader->name == 'Table 2') { ......}
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT
&&reader->name == 'Table 3') { ......}
Don't forget to close the reader at the end of the function :)
So, this is my solution so far. If I find any options to optimize this code I will and hope this could hel some StackO users.
Please feel free to comment and improve this code.