On my wordpress blog i want to show a popup on posts. I installed a plugin but it shows the popup for every time. I tried to change the code but didnt work. I dont know php well. Can you help me? I want to show popup only once per day.
if ( $timer && !empty( $show_timer ) && $show_timer == 'yes' && !isset($_COOKIE['html_ad']))
$html_ad .= '<div id="popups-bar" ' . $style_bar . '>
<div id="popups-tit" class="popups">' . $this->get_interad( $ad_id, 'title' ) . '</div>
<div id="popups-close">
<div id="inter-mess" ' . $bor_style . '>
<span> ' . $tra_wait . ' </span>
<span data-seconds="' . $countdown . '" class="popups-kkcount-down"></span>
<span> ' . $tra_until . ' </span>
$html_ad .= '<div id="popups-cnt" ' . $style_cont . '>
' . $this->get_interad( $ad_id ) . '
</div><!-- Popup Plugin-->' . "
setcookie('html_ad', true, time()+86400);