drfls28608 2015-02-08 16:29
浏览 61

PHP - 上传文件错误 - 权限被拒绝

i am trying to run this simple php code:


$dir = getcwd()."\uploads\ ";
if($_FILES['myfile']['error'] != 0)
    echo "Error uploading the file: {$_FILES['myfile']['error']}";   

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name'], $dir . $_FILES['myfile']['name'])) {   
    echo 'Success!!!';   
} else {   
    echo 'Error.';   


I am getting this problem:

failed to open stream: Permission denied in... on line 7 Unable to move ... to ... on line 7

Line 7 is: move_uploaded_file

I understand that maybe the problem is with the folder permission, and i need to use CHMODE command. But i don't understand how to use it and where do i put it in my code.

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  • dslpofp041310584 2015-02-08 16:30

    Use slashes /instead of backslashes. And check permissions to target dir.

    $dir = getcwd() . "/uploads/";
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