douqian9729 2014-12-01 21:33
浏览 33

magento 1.9注册表

I have been cracking my head about this for two days on. I inherited some magento 1.9 Multi vendor website and just need to bolden some text on the customer create account field. I have searched every where in my template directory Customer/form/register.phtml and Persitent/form/register.phtml yet I am not successfully able to identify the line that prints

'wants to become a vendor?' Here is a link to the form please.

Could someone point me in the right direction. I pretty much understand the project structure of Magento I do believe. Please help!

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  • duanaoyuan7202 2014-12-02 10:05

    Are you sure you are looking in the correct template folder?

    You are using the rwd/default template, so have a look here; app/design/frontend/rwd/default/template/persistent/customer/form/register.phtml

    If there isn't a file called register.phtml in that location, then Magento will fall back to the base folder, so try;


    If you still cannot find the text, it could be a custom login form using another template, so go and login to your server with ssh/putty and run this command;

    grep 'Wants to become a Vendor?' /path/to/magento/*

    Just make sure you set the correct path.

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