I use a class that automatically crops an image as a square based on some options. The problem is that when the image is of a certain width and height, the image is cropped but a 1px column of black pixels is added to the right of the image. I think that the problem is in the mathematics used to generate the new image size... Maybe when the division of the height and the width gives a decimal number then the square is not perfect and the black pixels are added...
Any solution?
This is how I call the object:
$resizeObj = new resize($image_file); // *** 1) Initialise / load image
$resizeObj -> resizeImage(182, 182, 'crop'); // *** 2) Resize image
$resizeObj -> saveImage($destination_path, 92); // *** 3) Save image
The part of the class I'm talking about:
private function getOptimalCrop($newWidth, $newHeight)
$heightRatio = $this->height / $newHeight;
$widthRatio = $this->width / $newWidth;
if ($heightRatio < $widthRatio) {
$optimalRatio = $heightRatio;
} else {
$optimalRatio = $widthRatio;
$optimalHeight = $this->height / $optimalRatio;
$optimalWidth = $this->width / $optimalRatio;
return array('optimalWidth' => $optimalWidth, 'optimalHeight' => $optimalHeight);
private function crop($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight)
// *** Find center - this will be used for the crop
$cropStartX = ( $optimalWidth / 2) - ( $newWidth /2 );
$cropStartY = 0; // start crop from top
$crop = $this->imageResized;
// *** Now crop from center to exact requested size
$this->imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth , $newHeight);
imagecopyresampled($this->imageResized, $crop , 0, 0, $cropStartX, $cropStartY, $newWidth, $newHeight , $newWidth, $newHeight);
Maybe changing this:
$heightRatio = $this->height / $newHeight;
$widthRatio = $this->width / $newWidth;
with this:
$heightRatio = round($this->height / $newHeight);
$widthRatio = round($this->width / $newWidth);