I am upgrading a project from Laravel 4.2 to 5.4 and I am wondering if there is a way to change blade's tags?
I have hundreds of places where I have used {{{ $content }}}
to show unescaped html. If I am unable to change it, I need will to change all of them by hand to {!! $content !!}
I saw this saying that it has been removed https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/17640
But surerly there's still a way around this?
I found where I can change them in BladeCompiler.php
. My next question, what is the difference between "regular echos" and "escaped echos"
* Array of opening and closing tags for raw echos.
* @var array
protected $rawTags = ['{!!', '!!}'];
* Array of opening and closing tags for regular echos.
* @var array
protected $contentTags = ['{{', '}}'];
* Array of opening and closing tags for escaped echos.
* @var array
protected $escapedTags = ['{{{', '}}}'];