I am creating a php script to check if a person is following me on Twitter and I am using the REST API Method: friendships show method and using themattHarris tmhOAuth library for OAuth.
I am making the request using the following code:
$code=$tmhOAuth->request('GET', $tmhOAuth->url('friendships/show'), array( 'target_screen_name' => 'bob' ));
if ($code==200){ $code = json_decode($tmhOAuth->response['response'], true); }
The request is successful and returns similar json output as shown on the apiwiki page:
{"relationship": { "source": { "id": 123, "screen_name": "bob", "following": true, "followed_by": false, "notifications_enabled": false }, "target": { "id": 456, "screen_name": "jack", "following": false, "followed_by": true, "notifications_enabled": null } } }
How do I extract the following value from the array returned?
"id": 456,