douwuli4512 2016-05-15 12:30
浏览 292


After using the code below all spaces changed to + and all , to %252C.

<select name="country" id="country" onchange="action='<?php 
echo '/index.php' ?>';submit();return false;">

I need to change spaces to - and keep , unchanged. and this is function to execute country values.

    function list_es($type, $country) {

    global $countries, $l, $lang;

    if($type=="dropdown") {

        // echo '<option value = "">- Select -</option>';
        foreach($countries as $country1) {

        echo '<option value="'. $country1.'"';

        echo $country1 == $l ? 'selected="selected"' : '';

        echo '>'.$country1.'</option>';
        echo "
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  • dongnao2582 2016-05-15 12:33

    That's just standard URI-encoding. If you access it in the normal way, it's decoded for you:

    $country = $_GET['country'];

    If you then want to change spaces to dashes, just do a replace.

    $country = str_replace($_GET['country'], ' ', '-');

    (If your form is using POST rather than GET, just change $_GET above to $_POST.)

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