I am currently experimenting with the Discogs API, using PHP. My query against their API is returned as JSON, which I can decoding using:
$trackMeta = json_decode($trackMeta, true);
I'd then like to be able to access certain elements within the data that is returned. Using print_r($trackMeta);
outputs the below data:
Array ( [pagination] => Array ( [per_page] => 1 [pages] => 7 [page] => 1 [urls] => Array ( [last] => http://api.discogs.com/database/search?artist=siren&q=snorkel&per_page=1&page=7 [next] => http://api.discogs.com/database/search?artist=siren&q=snorkel&per_page=1&page=2 ) [items] => 7 ) [results] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [style] => Array ( [0] => Drum n Bass ) [thumb] => http://api-img.discogs.com/cf1HxM29IXQKNsSdrwYioa0uEeI=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-3581480-1336678182-5777.jpeg.jpg [format] => Array ( [0] => Vinyl [1] => 12" [2] => 45 RPM ) [country] => UK [barcode] => Array ( ) [uri] => /Siren-21-Vicious-Circle-Snorkel-SPY-Remix-Solitude/master/433189 [community] => Array ( [want] => 66 [have] => 81 ) [label] => Array ( [0] => Siren Records ) [catno] => SIREN001 [year] => 2012 [genre] => Array ( [0] => Electronic ) [title] => Siren (21) / Vicious Circle (3) - Snorkel (S.P.Y. Remix) / Solitude [resource_url] => http://api.discogs.com/masters/433189 [type] => master [id] => 433189 ) ) )
When trying to use a foreach loop on $trackMeta
, I can only return 171 which I believe relates to per_page
pages and page
How can I access data deeper in this array? For example values such as thumb or year or genre?