I'm making a basic columns layout for photos with CSS3 Columns
the problem is that in this way, it will first align content vertically and and then go to next column
for example consider this: http://jsfiddle.net/LQEfK/1/
here as you can see first second and third img
are in first column
I found -webkit-column-axis
which is not much documented and is suported only by Chrome.
<div class="image-gallery main">
<?php while ( bp_has_images() ) : bp_the_image(); ?>
<div class="image-thumb-box">
<img alt="<?php bp_gallplus_image_id() ?>" src="<?php bp_image_mid_url() ?>" alt="">
<?php endwhile; ?>
Now I want to remake this php to align with this CSS.
Like save make 3 variables in while
loop and each should contain a column which will be right for css columns