duanliaoyin3171 2012-06-23 01:43
浏览 38


I have a paypal listener in a directory on a site I maintain e.g. \paypal\listener.php

I have it set to write to a mysql database, but it is writing to my development environment instead of my production environment.

This is weird because I have a model e.g. DAO.php that controls all access to the database. In other directories e.g. \directory2\page.php The page.php successfully writes to the production environment.

THE PROBLEM: To me this means that listener.php is including an old version of DAO.php (which is a class that was internally set to the development enviornment) In other directories though when this file is included the new version is being included.

Is it possible that one PHP implementation would server different versions of a file to different scripts??? If so how do I refresh the server cache that is making this happen?

I have already tried modifying and re-saving every relevant file to make the server think they are new.

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  • dongzg2006 2012-06-25 18:42

    Restarting the server probably would have solved this issue, but that was not an option, the Server was a Microsoft IIS machine using application pools and refreshing the application pools solved the problem.

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