I have an array with 1200 records, But when I submit the form the code counts 250 records in the array. Why?
This is the code:
if (isset($_POST['ok'])) {
echo count($_POST['precios']);
// showme only 250 récords
<form method='POST' action='productos.php'>
<button class="btn green" type="submit" name="ok"> Actualizar de forma masiva</button>
$query4334x = "select * from Productos";
$result_categorias4334x = mysql_db_query($dbname, $query4334x)
or die("Failed Query of " . $query4334x); //guardo en una variable los registros obtenidos con el query
$numero5 = mysql_num_rows($result_categorias4334x);
echo $numero5;
// showme 1200 récords
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_categorias4334x)) {
$precio = $row['Precio'];
<input type="text" name="precios[]" value="<?php echo $precio; ?>">