dpbdl44228 2017-08-08 10:36
浏览 41

symfony v3.3.6意外的服务行为

Im working on a Symfony3 project and playing around with the "new" dependency injection mechanism. can some please explain the following behavior to me please:

this is my setup:


    autowire: true
    autoconfigure: true
    public: false

    resource: '../../Controller/'
    public: true
    tags: ['controller.service_arguments']


Controller Scenario A


namespace MyBundle\Controller;

use ...

class RootController extends Controller
     * @Route("/", name="root")
    public function indexAction(A $a) <- INJECTION HERE
        $b = $this->get(A::class); // NO EXCEPTION THROWN HERE

        return new Response(); 

Controller Scenario B


namespace MyBundle\Controller;

use ...

class RootController extends Controller
     * @Route("/", name="root")
    public function indexAction() // <- NO INJECTION
        $b = $this->get(A::class); // EXCEPTION THROWN HERE

        return new Response(); 

Im trying to fetch service A inside the indexAction from the container. As I marked it private in my services.yml I'm expecting an Exception when trying to grab it (like in Scenario B). But in Scenario A I'm not getting an Exception because the service A has already been injected (auto wired) into the Controller.

(here the (expected) Exception of Scenario B: You have requested a non-existent service "MyBundle\A".)

Can some explain this behaviour please.


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  • drmticpet66231422 2018-05-18 19:45

    After bit of explaining in the comments I understand your question as:

    How does a private service becomes public by request in the controller action?

    With action injection these services collected are re-registred with ServiceLocator class, which make it accessible with ->get().

    See RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass here.

    enter image description here

    I agree it's a bit unclear behavior. Not all paths can be covered I guess.

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