dougan4884 2017-04-05 17:24
浏览 53



This is not a great question by any means; it was really just a fluke that I discovered it and rather than delete this question I will leave it up for posterity.


I'm not really sure how to search for this, but I came across it while styling my table and it's very odd. I am outputting data in PHP and populating it in a table. If I echo a string at the top of the page, the formatting of the table changes - it actually looks better - but I can't figure out why it's happening. I am using Twitter Bootstrap and PHP 7.

Here is the table:

Normal Table

And here is what it looks like when I echo a string at the top of the page:

Table Looks Different

I can't imagine what effect echoing a string is causing on the table styling, but the table looks better, in my opinion, when I am echoing a string. So I really have 2 questions:

  1. Why is this effect occurring?
  2. How can I achieve this effect without echoing a string on the page?


Output HTML Before:

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                <td>2017-04-05 10:50:00</td>
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Output HTML After:

<html lang="en"><head></head><body>Table looks better
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                            <th>Commission Percent</th>
                            <th>AOP Goal</th>
                            <th>Last Modified</th>
                            <th>Modified By</th>
                <input type="hidden" value="2">
                <td>April    </td>
                <td>2017-04-05 10:49:57</td>
                <input type="hidden" value="3">
                <td>April    </td>
                <td>2017-04-05 10:50:00</td>
                <input type="hidden" value="4">
                <td>April    </td>
                <td>2017-04-05 10:50:06</td>
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  • doufan6886 2017-04-06 19:07

    As was pointed out by LGSon, the head elements (title, link, etc) were being rendered in the body tags whenever I echoed a string. This was altering the linked css stylesheets and changing up the formatting of my table seen in the above screenshots. I have personalized stylesheets besides using Twitter Bootstrap that are altering my table differently.

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