doudi2005 2013-05-13 21:05
浏览 10


i have a box which displays friends of a user, however, it shows them all and stretched off the canvas of the app. I have them in a table in the box, is there anyway to limit the amount shown to 12 random friends?

this is my code to display friends:

if ($user) {
$user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
$friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends');

echo '<table>';
foreach ($friends["data"] as $value) {
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<div class="pic">';
    echo '<img src="' . $value["id"] . '/picture"/>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<font color="white">','<div class="picName">'.$value["name"].'</div>','</font>';
    echo '</td>';
echo '</table>';
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  • dsnw2651 2013-05-13 21:22

    You could, for instance, use the break statement to exit the loop. Use it like this:

    if ($user) {
        $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
    $friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends');
    $counter = 1;
    echo '<table>';
    foreach ($friends["data"] as $value) {
        echo '<td>';
        echo '<div class="pic">';
        echo '<img src="' . $value["id"] . '/picture"/>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<font color="white">','<div class="picName">'.$value["name"].'</div>','</font>';
        echo '</td>';
        if ($counter >= 12) {
        $counter = $counter + 1;
    echo '</table>';

    A more advanced approach would make use of the array_slice() function, which modifies arrays. To only get at most 12 elements, starting at position 0, of $friends['data'] into the foreach loop, you would write:

    // your code...
    foreach (array_slice($friends["data"], 0, 12) as $value) {
        // your code...
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