I'm using backbone in my application and I'm attempting to update a json file using the backbone method .save method here is the site http://dalydd.com/projects/backbone/backbone.html
here is my js this is working fine
var ModalInfo = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
var developer = new ModalInfo();
developer.save({person:'madan', occupation:'developer', home:'middtown'}, {
success:function(model, response) {
console.log('Successfully saved!' + model + response);
error: function(model, error) {
console.log('error.responseText' +model);
Here is the php in my sample.php I'm trying to get the contents of json.js decode it append it with my new data and then decode it and return it as the response
$json_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('json.js'), true);
for ($i = 0, $len = count($json_data); $i < $len; ++$i) {
//do the right logic
file_put_contents('json.js', json_encode($json_data));
$final_data = file_get_contents('json.js', json_encode($json_data));
echo $final_data;
when i try to echo out the super global post I get array(0)
I'm hoping someone could help me out with my php and why I can't extract any post data in sample.php when i use the .save method in backbone - when i echo out server request method it states post i just want to grab the post data and write it to the file and then return it am I going about this the wrong way - any help is appreciated - I have been racking my brain on this. My first step is just figuring out why i can't get any post data even though firebug is telling me it's posting when I load the page - you can check also