I have a simple form with four input fields, name, email, phone, and message. I am using JavaScript with Ajax to post my input fields to a PHP file for validations and mailing via phpmailer.
I collect the errors in an array from the validation functions. The I use and if statement to send the errors back to the html page via json_encode(array)
function and exit the script. Else, I let the script to continue to and successfully send the email to my inbox.
The problem I have is json_encode(array)
exit the script where errors were found or not. Even if I do not forcefully exit the script with die or exit. In that respect, no email is sent as the script is prematurely terminated.
I listed below a few lines from my php file to show how my if statement is set up.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I spent hours searching the web for answers for no avail. I tried to place the json_encode
function as different location in the file, and it did not work. I tried combining the error array with the success or failure strings from the mail sent function and did not work.
if ( $errors != null ) {
echo json_encode( $errors );
} else {
$mail = new PHPMailer( true );
/* Set the mail sender. */
$mail->setFrom( 'jsmith@gmail.com', 'John Smith' );
/* Add a recipient. */
//set who is receving mail
$mail->addAddress( 'heh@hotmail.com' );
/* Set the subject. */
$mail->Subject = 'New message from contact form';
/* Set email to be sent as HTML */
$mail->isHTML( true );
/* Set the mail message body. */
$mail->Body =
I am expecting that once the if statement clears the errors, the entire php file script will continue until the data is emailed. However that is not happening.