Sorry for the trivial post, but I cannot figure this out on my own.
So I am basically appending a div and I need the maximum-length
class to have a PHP variable like maximum-length-$max
but I cannot figure out the syntax I need to use.
I have tried what is done before: '.$max.'
,but this does not work.
$addressFields .= '<div style="position: relative"><input type="text" title="'.$this->__('Street Address '.($_i+1)).'" name="billing[street]['.$_i.']" id="billing:street'.($_i+1).'" value="'.$dataHelper->clearDash($this->getQuote()->getBillingAddress()->getStreet($_i+1)).'" class="'.(($_i == 0)? 'required-entry ' : ''). 'input-text validate-address-lenght maximum-length-$max />';