dongzhang1875 2018-01-25 07:13
浏览 337


I have an array called main_arr which has multiple data arrays within it.

So i am using a bubble chart to show all these different arrays in different colors to distinguish them

var myBubbleChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type : 'bubble',
    data : {
        datasets : [
                label : 'Group 1: ' + main_arr[0].length,
                data : main_arr[0],
                backgroundColor : 'lightblue'
            }, {
                label : 'Group 2: ' + main_arr[1].length,
                data : main_arr[1],
                backgroundColor : 'pink'
    options : {
        scales : {
            yAxes : [{
                    ticks : {
                        beginAtZero : true,
                        min : 0,
                        max : 100
            xAxes : [{
                    ticks : {
                        beginAtZero : true,
                        min : 0,
                        max : 10

This works perfectly. But i want to make it dynamic so that i dont need to hard code main_arr[0], main_arr[1] on for each array.

So i want to use a for loop that loops through the main_arr and initialize the dataset.

datasets : [
    for (var i = 0; i < main_arr.length; i++) { {
            label : 'Group ' + i + ': ' + main_arr[i].length,
            data : main_arr[i],
            backgroundColor : 'lightblue'

This gives an error in the console:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token for

So how to achieve this ?

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  • dongshi6844 2018-01-25 07:58

    You can use an immediately invoked function like below:

          (function (main_arr) {
              var out = [];
              for(var i=0; i<main_arr.length; i++) {
                    label: 'Group ' + i + ': ' + main_arr[i].length,
                    data: main_arr[i],
                    backgroundColor: 'lightblue'
              return out;

    The function creates the datasets array and returns it to datasets property of chart options object.

    Here is a fiddle:

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