douduiyun6125 2013-11-09 13:48
浏览 7


I have build a system to put together a shed, this is done with several pages with radio buttons and forms.

The problem is that with this form i use action and POST to send the result to the next page. But i want the input for example on page 1 to be send to page 2 and 3, currently thats impossible because you can only have one action in your form.

<form action="lounge-kamer3.php" method="POST">

I need the input from page 1 for an if statement on page 2 and 3. how do i do that? Couldnt find an easy way on the internet, and because i do not master english that well it sometimes is hard to understand. Hope i am clear enough.

ps. sorry for my english, not my first language.

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  • doupi8598 2013-11-09 19:20

    Perhaps try using a hidden field, a cookie, or session info to carry information across pages.

    How to pass information across web pages of a web site

    You might want to write the requests asynchronously and then you can continually reuse info on the page with js and php.

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