douchun5969 2016-02-18 08:34
浏览 121


I am using the Klarna SDK to implement their payment methods. The SDK calls the api and checks the response code. If the response-code is not 0 (all codes > 0 are errors) an exception is thrown. In my controller I try to catch the exception to handle it. But in the development enviroment the "exception detected" comes first.


public function xy() {
   $status = $this->getResponse();
   if($status > 0) throw new KlarnaException(...);


public function indexAction() {
   $k = new Klarna();
   try {
   } catch(Exception $e) {
      die('Something wrent wrong');

But the catch() is never executed because the execution stopps when detecting the exception in the vendor. How to prevent debuggin vendor classes?

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  • dtdvlazd56637 2016-02-18 09:27

    Symfony loves namespaces, so if you use any native PHP classes you need to add them using a use statement.
    So in your case if you want the Exception class, use \Exception;
    If you where using a DateTime object, use \DateTime;

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